Be The Difference
In Someone's Life
Help us make a difference in someone's life by purchasing a raffle ticket for a chance to win this CLASSIC 1969 MGB
By using volunteers from Rotary Clubs, we avoid costs incurred by other vehicle donation programs. This means a more significant percentage of your donation goes to educational and charitable causes you care about.
Volunteers Administer The Program

Quick and easy
No repairs or car dealers
No safety issues from dealing with classified ads
We are guided by Rotary's 4-way test
Maximize Contributions
Our lowest cost means the maximum dollars go to a charitable cause you care about
Be the difference in someone's life
Impact your community both locally and globally
Tax Write-Off
We provide all the documentation you need
The more money we get for selling you car, the more you can deduct
Make A Difference
One Vehicle at
a Time

Your Nonprofit Gets More Love