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Great News! Car Donations Rising in 2019

Jennifer Filzen

We all like hearing good news, right? Well, here’s some good news for you… 2019 is seeing an increase in car donations. But why is this happening?

  • Is it because donating a car to a good cause feels good?

  • Is it because it’s a terrific tax write-off?

  • Is it because the economy is doing well and people are feeling more generous?

  • Maybe it’s because they know so many Paradise Camp Fire victims are in need?

Maybe it is a combination of all of these. Here is what one donor said about donating her vehicle: "I'm gratified to learn that my donation actually resulted in a significant benefit to the nonprofit."  -Anonymous Donor According to, a non-profit that focuses on charitable car donations, the first quarter of 2019 is seeing more car donations than normal. We are hoping the influx of donations continues through Tax Season. Many families affected by the Paradise Camp Fire in California are still in need of donated cars.

If you’d like to donate your car to help someone recover from the Paradise fire or another valued non-profit, reach out to to donate a car that runs and to donate a vehicle that does not. Check out their respective websites The organization has received 30 cars for the Paradise survivors, but they need more, as you can well imagine.


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