Our newest 50/50 partner is the Rossmoor Rotary Foundation. The Rossmoor Rotary Foundation, a publicly supported organization, was founded in 1984 by the Rotary Club of Rossmoor, and operates exclusively for charitable purposes. Most of the Rossmoor Rotary Foundation’s service projects are done in partnership with other community organizations. For International projects they frequently receive matching funds from Rotary International thereby greatly enhancing the impact of contributions. Projects and Grants worth over $70,000 were funded during 2015-16. For a complete list of organizations and projects supported, visit their Services Projects page. The Rossmoor Rotary Club meets for lunch every Wednesday at Noon at: Rossmoor Hillside Clubhouse 3400 Lower Golden Rain Rd. Walnut Creek CA 94595 No Host Refreshments at 11:30 a.m. • Lunch at Noon • Program Ends at 1:30 p.m. Meetings include guest speakers and a lot of interpersonal fun and jousting among its members. Membership in the Rossmoor Rotary Club is by invitation. If you are interested in learning more, please ask a current member, or visit the Joining Our Club page.
New 50/50 Partner - Rossmoor Rotary Foundation