It's hard to believe we're at the end of 2021 already! Unlike 2020, which seemed to never end, this year has gone by in a flash. We stayed busy and managed to make an impact on a few families this year. We're grateful that we could help out and grateful for the support we got from our partners and friends in making that happen.
We want to take a moment to reflect on some of our favorite car contributions; that people just like YOU helped us make a reality this year! One story worth mentioning from this past year was that we received a donation of a travel trailer. We ended up refusing the donation, as the trailer looked to be in rough shape, and it would not have been in the Rotary's best interest to send it to the auction. However, many months later, someone contacted us looking for a travel trailer; for a homeless man. We managed to connect them with the travel trailer owner, who, amazingly enough, still had the trailer! Long story short and many roadblocks later: the homeless man is no longer homeless.
But our favorite story by far of 2021 was this 1974 Datsun 710 Wagon in the picture above! It was donated by the Rotary Club of Moraga Rotarian Deb Roessler. Deb and her husband, Louis, were the original owners of this beautiful, bright orange 710 wagon.
Going through the vehicle's documents with them, we realized that they purchased the vehicle at Oakland Datsun Volvo in 1974 while Dave (my husband) had been working there. Looking into the vehicle further, Dave realized that he had actually installed the aftermarket air conditioning on it!
Talk about a coincidence! After 46 years, what are the chances of an orange Datsun still being on the road and Dave meeting it again!
We advertised it on Facebook marketplace and had close to fifty messages asking about it. Everyone wanted this vehicle! A call from one young man touched us to the core. His father actually had owned the same make and model back in the 1970s. Dad was going through chemotherapy, and the son wanted to surprise his dad with the vehicle. So that is what we did! Here are the son and dad standing to the left of Dave Thanks for reading… we hope we've inspired someone out there to donate! If you want to buy a donated vehicle, give cash, or present a car to Cars 2nd Chance, now is a great time to share! Having a second look at your garage could inspire you to donate your unused vehicle and help someone recover from a natural disaster or receive food from the Food Bank. First, reach out to cars2ndchance@gmail.com to donate a car that runs, or send an email to clunkers4charity@gmail.com to donate a vehicle that does not run. We appreciate your love and support!