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Partner Highlight -- Automotive Service Councils Educational Foundation ASCEF

Daniel Kodam

When it comes to good work around California, it doesn’t take much to realize that the Automotive Service Councils Educational Foundation (ASCEF) is doing its fair share and then some. For decades now, the push has been strong to send ALL children to college. Our culture values academic success and presented the picture of a successful America steeped in white-collar workers. It was long believed that kids with high trade/mechanical knowledge and skills were somehow less than those with high academic skills. That couldn’t be further from the truth. As we head into a new decade, it is blatantly obvious just how much we missed the boat on that one belief. Newer research has revealed the inherent flaws with standardized testing and considering academic intelligence as the true measure of a person’s aptitude, ability, and potential success in life. Not only are other forms of intelligence equally as important, they are necessary to our very survival. Imagine if we had NO: farmers, mechanics, plumbers, electricians, etc? Our entire way of life would be eradicated. We are shorthanded in every skilled-trade imaginable thanks to this extended line of thinking over the past decades. It’s harder to find a qualified mechanic than a good doctor. When we find one, we’re afraid to move because of how hard it was to find the one we have now. Auto repair shops are struggling to find qualified staff because of the shortage around the country for skilled, trained auto mechanics/technicians. We need qualified mechanics! The ASCEF not only recognizes this dilemma, but they are working hard to correct the issue knowing that it won’t happen overnight. They encourage highschool students to explore auto repair as a possible career and even offer scholarships to help cover the cost of their education. If you would like to apply for a scholarship, you have until March 31 for this year’s application period. If you would like to donate to the cause, this organization is always accepting donations! Please share this article with anyone you feel might be interested in either applying or donating or anyone who might like to know the good work that’s being done in our local community. For more information about the ASCEF and their scholarship process, check out their website:



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