Introducing Shelter Inc.
We’ve all heard that old saying, April showers bring May flowers. The Springtime tends to remind me of another gardening quote I love: “To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow.” I love this quote because working in the nonprofit sector feels like gardening. We plant our seeds, water them, give them sunlight, watch them get a little muddy in the rain, and eventually, we get to see our flowers
bloom. Like gardening, the process takes a little bit of patience and much hope.
This April, we want to highlight one of the beautiful nonprofits that help flowers in our community bloom. As a part of our Partner Highlight series, we’d like to introduce one of the charities your contributions help support: Shelter Inc.
Shelter Inc.’s Impact
Shelter Inc. is a California organization dedicated to supporting our unhoused and homeless neighbors. Its mission is to prevent and end homelessness for low-income, homeless, and disadvantaged families. Shelter Inc. has numerous programs to prevent homelessness, support homeless families and individuals in stopping the cycle of homelessness and help to provide affordable housing.
With such a lofty goal at the heart of their mission, there’s much work to be done. But Shelter Inc. plants its seeds in many different ways! The Shelter Inc. provides:
Eviction Prevention
Interim Housing
Long-Term Housing
Low-Income Housing
Case Management Services
Employment Services
Housing Search Support
Resources for Veterans
Reintegration Services
And the beautiful, vibrant flowers of this work are undeniable. 95% of the families and individuals who exit their Mountain View Family Shelter move into permanent housing. Additionally, Shelter Inc. has taken over 6,705 calls for assistance, and they’ve served over 50,000 meals in their shelters. What a garden!
Supporting Shelter Inc. and Cars 2nd Chance
Thanks for reading, and we hope you’ll consider donating or volunteering at Shelter Inc.! Your donations to Cars 2nd Chance help to support Shelter Inc., too. If you want to buy a donated vehicle, give cash, or present a car to Cars 2nd Chance, now is a great time to share! Having a second look at your garage could inspire you to donate your unused vehicle and help someone recover from a natural disaster or receive food from the Food Bank. Reach out to cars2ndchance@gmail.com to donate a car. We appreciate your love and support!