Clayton Valley Concord Sunrise Rotary Charitable Fund administers Cars2ndChance and Cars 2nd Chance. We are vehicle/car donation programs helping those in need get back on their feet with the renewed ability to get to and from work and other destinations that most of us take for granted. We are a strictly volunteer-based nonprofit and that means that we can make sure that all donations go directly to the recipients in need. We partner with many other nonprofits in the area to be able to provide as much assistance to those in need as possible. Today, we’d love to share about one of those wonderful partners that is doing such great work to also help the survivors of the Paradise Wildfires, California Vocations (http://www.calvoc.org/).
“California Vocations Inc. is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing residential and vocational support to developmentally disabled adults. CVI is located in Paradise, CA. Our organization consists of three distinct components: Licensed Residential Care (Arthur Schawlow Center & Dean Manor), Supported Living Services and Day Programs (COVE and SOAR).”
The Supported Living Services Program is designed to help participants live on their own as opposed to a group living situation. Independence is a wonderful thing for all who desire that lifestyle. This program helps with that goal by assisting with:
Health and medication management
Personal wellness plan
Home maintenance
Meal preparation assistance
Daily living skills
Their SOAR Day Program focuses on Social, Occupational, Academic, and Recreational activities. They specialize in working with participants struggling with the most difficult behaviors. This is a small group that works helps adults with developmental disabilities become active participants in their own lives. SOAR empowers participants to make good choices and experience more of what life has to offer. They focus on encouraging:
Social success
Vocational skills
They also offer employment and business services. They work with clients to give them the skills they need to be successful in the community. Transportation to and from work, job placement, and job skills development are the key components of this program. California Vocations is committed to assisting those with special needs to be the best they can be all the while being contributing members of our local communities, but they can’t do it without your help and the Paradise Wildfires took a huge toll on their resources as well.
California Vocations is still working to help clients and employees who were affected by the Paradise Wildfires. They have only reached $55,000 of $250,000 of funds needed to replace staff, offices, vehicles, and equipment. Please consider assisting them as they work to recover and move forward. They do phenomenal work in our community and are very worthy of all contributions. We are proud to call them one of our partners!